Aside from verbal communication via the microphone, you can communicate with others using text chat.
For the desktop and mobile versions, pressing the below icon will display the comment user interface, which will allow you to chat.
If you have your nameplate turned on, the comment will appear above your avatar.
*To send a comment, click on the icon to the right of the input field instead of the enter button on the keyboard. (If it seems as though your comment has disappeared, check to make sure new lines have not been inserted unnecessarily)
Next, we will introduce how to use the comment feature.
Choose the chat icon on the left corner.
To comment, click on the input field at the bottom of the interface. You may close the commenting feature by clicking the “x” on the bottom left.
Once you have finished entering your comment, send the comment by using the send icon to the right of the input field. Please note that pressing the enter key on your keyboard will not send your comment. (Pressing enter will add a new line, which can hide your comment at times)
When your comment is successfully sent, it will appear at the bottom of the comment list (as the newest comment).
Additionally, clicking on other people’s comments will display their profiles.
Basically, the mobile comment feature is similar to the PC one.
Choose the comment icon to the top left.
To send a comment, choose the input field to the bottom. The comment interface can be closed using the “x” to the top left.
Once you have entered your comment, click “Done”. (Please be aware that the specifics will depend on the device.) Clicking “Done” does not send your comment.
To send the comment, click on the icon to the right of the input field.
When your comment is successfully sent, it will appear at the bottom of the comment list (as the newest comment).
Additionally, clicking on other people’s comments will display their profiles.
For the VR version, comments can be sent by opening the comment interface from the menu.