This article will be updated as needed.
※Update: 2024/01/26
Due to issues in Cluster regarding avatar drawing methods for VRM1.0 compatibility, we will be changing the state to pre-VRM1.0 support to investigate and solve this issue.
We will notify you all again about the resumption of this support.
Thank you very much for your cooperation — including the numerous reports from users and the sharing of information among creators.
Please also see the following article for information on how to become VRM 1.0 compliant:
Notes on how to create VRM0.x
When creating VRM0.x using UniVRM, please use components and shaders for VRM0.x as before. Please note that VRM1.0 components and shaders "VRM10/MToon10" cannot be used for VRM0.x output.
Shader will switch to VRM10/MToon10
The shader used to render the existing VRM will be switched to VRM10/MToon10 (hereafter MToon10) for VRM1.0.
Please refer to the VRM document "Upgrade Compatibility" for details on the differences between MToon10 and MToon10.
Shading is different
In MToon 10, the shading process has been revised, and depending on the lighting of the world, the shaded side (Shade Color) is more likely to appear. The following images show a comparison of the Lit Color in red and Shade Color in white. (Left: conventional, right: MToon10)
If you want to eliminate the border between the shading and the color, set the colors specified for Lit Color and Shader Color to be closer together.
Avatars are brighter in worlds with strong lighting
In VRM10/MToon10, the effects of world lighting have been reviewed. As a result, avatars are now brighter in worlds with strong lighting.
When the Intensity of Directional Light is set to 1, the avatar's brightness does not change much. (Left: conventional, right: MToon10)
On the other hand, in a world where the intensity of the light source is set to be strong, such as when the Intensity of Directional Light is set to 1.25, the avatar becomes brighter due to the light source, as shown in the right image below.
Some avatars have thicker outlines
When converting to MToon10, the outline thickness of some avatars may be different from the previous version. In particular, if the Mode in MToon is ScreenCoordinates, the outline thickness may change. (First image: conventional, following image: MToon10)
If you would like to adjust the outline thickness in VRM0.x, please adjust it from Outline → Width of the material in MToon10. As an additional note, the parameter Width Scaled Max Distance has been removed in MToon10.
Some avatars have different rim light results
Since the LightingMix value of Rim is no longer inherited in MToon10 conversion, some avatars have different rim light results. This is due to the fact that the rim light behavior has been integrated with Matcap in the MToon10 conversion process so that the appearance of the avatar will not be significantly affected. (Left: conventional, right: MToon10)
matcap results differ between the previous and MToon10
Due to the integration of matcap and rim light behavior, the appearance by matcap may be different in MToon10 than in the past. (Left: conventional, right: MToon10)
[Update 12/18] If the camera is buried in the avatar's mesh when switching to first-person view, MeshAnnotations must be set.
If the camera view is obstructed by the avatar's mesh when switching to first person, please check if MeshAnnotations is set for the mesh that is obstructing the view. If you want to hide the mesh in first person, you need to specify Auto or Third Person Only.
When creating VRM0.x with UniVRM, MeshAnnotations can be set in the Renderers item of the VRMFirstPerson component.
[Update 12/18] VR-only avatar expressions cannot be changed from the pie menu.
Avatar expressions that have been set cannot be changed from the pie menu.
This will be fixed on the app side in an upcoming update, so there is no need for creators to take action. We appreciate your patience.
We also have a function to switch facial expressions with hand signs, so please consider this until the update is completed.
[Update 12/20] Avatar meshes using UniUnlit and cutout are not rendered correctly in the Windows and Mac versions.
We have received a report that meshes using the shader "UniGLTF/UniUnlit" with the material "Cutout" specified in RenderType are not rendered correctly. This has been confirmed for both the Windows and Mac versions.
We are working on a fix for this issue, but it may take some time.
We have confirmed that this phenomenon can be resolved by setting the Cutoff parameter to less than 1, so please consider modifying your avatar if necessary.
[Update 12/20] Avatars are not displayed
We have received reports that some avatars are not displayed. We are currently investigating and fixing the issue, but it may take some time to respond.
In addition, below are examples of avatars that are currently known to not load and workarounds for these avatars. Please consider modifying your avatar if necessary.
Example: VRM with VRMSpringBone component with ColliderGroup specified without Collider
We have confirmed a problem where avatars are not displayed when a VRMSpringBoneColliderGroup without a collider is specified for a VRMSpringBone component.
As a workaround, "If you do not need a collider, do not specify anything in the Collider Groups on the VRMSpringBone component side,
or, if you need a collider, add at least one collider to the Collider Group (VRMSpringBoneColliderGroup component).
[12/20 Update] White luminescent display on iOS 17
We have confirmed a display issue with some avatars on iOS 17.
This will be fixed in an upcoming update on the app side, so please be patient.
If you would like to attempt a fix immediately, please try the following
- Turn off "bloom" in the world
- Use shaders other than MToon (UniUnlit, etc.)
This issue has been confirmed for several shaders including "VRM/MToon" and "VRM10/MToon10". However, this issue is only for the shaders used for avatars.
If you are experiencing this issue with a world created using the Cluster Creator Kit, please consider changing the shader you are using.