In cluster, you can connect OSC tracking devices and their apps to use them as virtual motion trackers for SteamVR.
Note: As of April 2023, cluster is compatible with up to 6-point tracking.
■ Connecting mocopi
■ Preparation
mocopi™ is a mobile motion capture system by Sony Corporation.
To use mocopi in cluster, please first set up mocopi through the mocopi app.
Please refer to their official page for details on setting up mocopi.
*While setting up, please choose “VRChat (OSC)” for the “Transfer format”.
After completing mocopi setup, the following settings will enable you to use mocopi in cluster.
・Set mocopi as a “Motion” and switch “SAVE/SEND” settings to “SEND”
Please watch the video below for reference. (13:50-)
・*While setting up, please choose “VRChat (OSC)” for the “Transfer format”.
■ Setup Method
*Please attach mocopi to the specified positions, HMD (head) and controllers (hands) as well.
1. Open cluster on the Quest 2 or VR device connected PC
2. Open the menu by clicking the cog icon next to “OSC Trackers” in the Calibration Room
3. Check if the displayed value of the “IP Address”, “Port” and mocopi app are the same. If the displayed value on the mocopi app is different, please type in the value of the cluster “IP Address” and “Port” into the mocopi app.
After filling in the above, clicking “OK” will display the word “Connecting” and an orange icon next to “OSC Trackers”.
4. When the icon’s light is on “Full Body Tracking” is on.
5. Follow the directions on the screen to carry out calibration.
・If there is a problem with the avatar calibration, you may solve the problem by carrying out “RESET POSE” in the mocopi app and performing calibrations in cluster.
・If you “RESET POSE” facing a different direction than the previous time you reset it, your avatar can momentarily look off. Please give it a few seconds to let it reorient and resolve the problem.