In some cases, to play musical pieces (as a BGM, to sing it as part of a concert event) in Cluster, you are required to register the composition.
For details about how to register the musical piece, please refer to “How to register music”
Cases you would need to register
You are required to register all musical compositions under the management of JASRAC/NexTone, which are Japanese music copyright societies. For instance, in the following cases, you must register all songs used for the event:
- Acapella singing, or singing with accompaniment
- Playing pre-recorded music files
- Playing a musical composition
Cases you do not have to register
Musical compositions not managed by JASRAC/NexTone do not have to be registered - but this does not mean that you are free to use them however you want. You can use public domain songs, songs for which you have obtained use permission from the creator, and compositions written by yourself.