How to connect accounts
Linking with REALITY through the smartphone application
- Open the Cluster app on the smartphone follow these steps: Click on your icon at the to left → Choose “Avatars” → Choose “REALITY connect”
2. Use the “Copy Token” button for the API token that will be required to link Cluster with REALITY
Once you have copied the token, refer to the “Steps to take on the REALITY app” section found below.
Linking with REALITY from the Cluster website
1.Open the Cluster website and follow these directions: Click on you icon at the top right corner → Choose “Access Token”
2. Under “REALITY 連携トークン”, choose “Create Token”
3. You can select the token and copy it, or simply click on the icon indicated by the red outline to copy the token
Once you have completed step 3, refer to the “Steps to take on the REALITY app” section found below.
Steps to take in the REALITY app
Open the REALITY app, and click your profile icon at the bottom right, followed by the settings button and then “Link with Cluster”
4. Enter the token that you copied from either the Cluster app or website, and click upload
5. The upload is completed if a message dialogue comes up indicating that the upload was a success.
Important points to note about linking Cluster and REALITY
- The API token required to link with REALITY will only be valid for 24 hours
- You can only upload 1 avatar from REALITY. If you upload another one, your previous one will be replaced
- If you have previously linked Cluster and REALITY with a Cluster account, and you upload your REALITY avatar to a separate Cluster account, the link will be overridden with the new account. As such, you will not be able to use that avatar with previous Cluster account with which you were using it
- To manually unlink the connected accounts, go to the Cluster website and delete the uploaded avatar
- In some official Cluster events, you may not be able to use your REALITY avatar